Wednesday, June 08, 2011

High Speed Rail

Today morning's Age newsletter on Travel/Living featured a news article on a proposed High Speed Train concept for Australia. As you'd expect with most of such concepts, it always looks fantastic on paper and this was my first thought even before starting to read the article - let's say part of having acclimatized to the local culture here :P.

Anyways, but the prospect of it did sound reassuring given the pathetic state of affairs of the current rail network. So I read on. The company that put forth the concept has used a gimmick already by quoting that the design is inspired by the Holden Monaro of the 60s; in the sense that it is a super fast vehicle! I feel that it is pretty a lame and poor tactic in an attempt to get the concept "a thumbs up" from hardcore Aussie petrol heads and the likes ! 

Which was even more surprising was to find similar thought trains running in other readers' heads. Many have ridiculed this concept, as one being too far fetched for the Australians to handle. 

Or maybe I'm being too much of a cynic like others who commented like me. Maybe there is just a social and environmental concern behind the whole plan. But whatever it is, it is quite known that Australia isn't really a country that can embrace such a huge leap in technology overnight. Things happen at a calculative and gradual pace. Certainly not a negative, but that's just the way things are around here. 

Anyways, I have crossed my fingers; who knows, and even pigs may fly !



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