Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nutty High !! seemed like an eternity waiting for the "Draft" section to load.. you see I sometimes get these spurts of thoughts, which I wanna pen ( right-away, before I get carried away by some other random thing.

One of those moments, I guess, fingers itching to type (I thought that's something I would never say, when I put it that way) the rumblings in my head. Man, my head is throbbing after those peanuts I gobbled up; certainly couldn't let them get past that way, without the joy of chewing them thoroughly; but hell, that cost me ! My temples..ah, now I know where they are..damn. The things that you end up doing, when you walk in, no almost staggering (from hunger), grab the first thing you can find to abate those pangs. I did that exactly, you see. Found a packet of peanuts stashed away in the cupboard, ripped it open into a container and started to munch them all too quickly. Half a minute into it, before I realized my jaws ain't equipped at handling / working at the speed of an ICE. Ouch ! So I settled down to read my FB messages. We have group chats going on everywhere these days - it's like you start in one place (whatsapp) and then continue elsewhere - like facebook ! I know it get's difficult to keep track, if that's what you are thinking..but well, it doesn't matter really..ours is a fairly close-knit group of buddies from college you see, and we just talk about random things, some from the past, others stemming from jokes in the past or the likes. That's when I had this urge to capture the flow of thoughts in my was as though I had to let them out at the same pace it was getting generated, unadulterated (though that's not so true, is it?, obviously I couldn't afford typos). Ok, now the question arises, as my head starts to clear up from the thick clouds of smoke generated by munching peanuts, when do I stop this non-sense. Right about now, I guess !!


\m/ your's truly \m/