Sunday, June 05, 2011

Technology saves the day, again :P

After what seems to have been a writer's (blogger's) block, I've sort of been wanting to get back to blogging more actively. Well, as for the block, I figured it is best if I can find an application to blog from my phone (ahem, yes, you thought right, the generation is to be blamed for :P). Well, so in a rather desperate attempt to salvage my blog, I frantically searched for an app (between the intermittent reception of network coverage on my phone) while I was on a long train journey. After a while, I realized, as the first step of getting to use my blog through phone, it is better that I carry out this step when I'm less mobile with a better connectivity.
So on getting back home, later yesterday, I sat down to sort this once and for all. And, here I'm trying this out the first time through my phone. God save technology !!

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