Monday, September 29, 2008

Inspiration - A Way Of Life

This thought struck me once when I was lying on my bed looking up the stars in my room..Ahem..I know what you are thinking !!! Supposedly this room was for my sister, until one fine day I invaded and moved my things in :p..Well, however, the point is I was gazing at them :)

Well though a poor imitation of the actual stars in the sky, it does remind me of things which I otherwise don t even stop to think about.

I've lived by inspiration. A lot of people -relatives , family , friends or foe..they ve all inspired me in some way or the other to think beyond the capabilities of my own limited experiences. Sometimes, its something that they have said during conversations, at other times it was by observing their personality, or maybe the way they tackle things, the humility or open mindedness, or at times even the ruthlessness some exhibit, sometimes justified by certain situations.

During my final years at school, a lot many friends of mine, noted a certain deviation from my own identity. They wrote in my autograph books, that I was trying to change for the sake of it..I admit there was an identity crisis I was going through at that time, but everybody has these times ; it was probably an immature imitation I was doing, but with time and experiences of my own, I realized that, I was pretty much influenced by what I admired in people. Rather than imitate, I started to get inspired.

Nobody is perfect and I have no intention to defy that law of nature any day; but when you see something admirable in people, you realize your own shortcomings, at times. These can be in anything trivial too. When you overcome your ego, and accept yourself and others the way they are, you will find that there is something to be admired in every person and in the process , get inspired by it.



Saturday, September 27, 2008

Something woke me up before September ended ;p

I somehow thought I d be taking a break in September, from blogging..I mean..Well, or rather I thought I d get busy with something...but then I got bugged with boredom, sticking to me quite irritatingly; started to read some blogs, which had somehow found its way into the hearts of lot of readers world wide...realized quite a potential in blogs being a strong medium of expression.. much to give me a comeback into this business.

Been trying to put into words a certain new thought process since few days now..It shouldn't be long before I do that..

So stay around fellas..

