Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Left open mouthed :) !!!

Today morning, as I was driving into the town, a bus sped past my car. Though I don't drive like crazy most often, today I was in a mood to. So I caught up behind it soon enough and was about to overtake the bus..when...

I saw something written in white on the lower part of its back side; It wasn't a 'Caution: Air Brake', or 'Keep a Safe Distance' slogan, or a sound horn alert or anything of that sort, that you would expect to see usually...

It was one of the most surprising thing of all, that I saw written on it..It said " No Compromise"; I was like.."Oh...." And the bus sped away !! :)




Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stop to think over this bit

Its been my observation that people who tend to go to extremes of emotions, tend to always be swayed a lot.

Its like saying, the more resistance you offer to change, the greater chance of you getting changed.

This concept applies to everything that happens around you. Why otherwise do you see the aerodynamic design in vehicles ( cos otherwise the performance of the vehicle is compromised due to air resistance).

People who are radical in their viewpoints tend to be pushed down in the long run. People who are pretty smart ( and slightly out of the ordinary ), are always the ones getting the rude stares and rebukes, the reason being in a way, that they are drawing too much unwanted attention to themselves.

Maintaining a low profile therefore, is a way of being a moderate person, at least in the eyes of the onlookers ;)

So, if you are with me till now on this concept of mine, I ll go a little ahead by saying, the lesser resistance you offer to even things you despise, the lesser negative effects those things will have on you.

So if you say while joining college, for example, that it is an infuriatingly damned place and you ll never ever miss it after you have passed out; the more chances that you will dearly and most painfully miss it when you are actually out of it !!!



Saturday, October 04, 2008

In the less pensive times ;)

Was really bored at home and thats when I decided to see the Harold & Kumar series of flicks, which I had got few days back. Ha..fellas ! Must say that I had a helluva time seeing those movies..

It is the hilarious adventures of two guys, one Korean and the other Indian, both nationals of US, getting really wild and high. There is lot of unbelievably cool stuff shown in the movie, but thats the fun of it all. The guys get into really tough and irritatingly funny spots and the way they come out of it is really funny. And there is Neil Patrick Harris too, or more commonly known as 'Barney Stinson' from the TV series, How I Met Your Mother, as himself. The first of the two flicks called Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle is a complete entertainer and you ll no doubt be little sad, when the movie ends.

The sequel called, Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay, is much more grappling !! The plot thickens in this one and it gets really maddening too..in an awesome way !! Well towards the end of the movie, even The President of USA, a George Bush look alike that too, is shown smoking weed !! Ha Ha..well it was simply great watching the movie.

There is another thing about these movies. A lot of wrong doings happening in America like the way rascism is handled, how the law is violated at times, rather common mistaking of Indians and other foreigners as terrorists and all that is shown subtly and in a very hilarious way.

I bet you guys will enjoy these flicks. Remotely on the lines of Euro Trip at some parts, but definitely different and recommended only to people who can have a hearty laugh and forget reality a bit for the sake of fun, for about 90 mins !!

Keep Well

