Monday, June 30, 2008

Panda Bear - Person Pitch

Genre - Experimental Electronic Music

Synopsis - I liked this one. Never have I heard something that closely resembles this one. There are a whole lot of musical experimentation in all the songs. There is a particular song called Good Girl/Carrots, which has a tabla playing in the background. A little mystic....It adds a little touch of sunshine to your life, I feel. There is also an unmistakable feel good factor incorporated somewhere in the songs too. Before you know, the same song which was perhaps reminding you of a fairly tale, will now take you into a jungle of other sounds. There is even a train bustling in the background of one song !! All very pleasing to the ears !! A, must try musical endeavour.

Ambience - The album is itself a wonderful ambience !

Favourite Tracks
- Take pills, Search for delicious, Bro's

Rating - 7.0/10

Battles - Mirrored

Genre - Indie, Electronic

Synopsis - I came across this album called Mirrored on Metacritic. This album had made its way into the Best of 2007 charts, as per their critics. Now take it from me, its nothing like you will imagine of this album until you hear this. Its a mixture of keyboard effects, the kind your young cousin would have made when he first got his hands on a keyboard or a small piano. Of course, Battles have included some rhythmic sounds and drumming in the background. Well there are hardly any vocals (other than few intermittent voices in the song Bad Traits) in this whole album. Its just sounds, electronic and MC. I felt fooled after getting this album !! Well, true they aren't my kind of music anyway, but all those who felt they always had an answer to some of life's weirdest makings, should hear to these tracks and then ask themselves whether they have an answer now !! As a person who is adventurous in trying out different genres, I recommend all to give this a try, anyway; but at the same time, it is also an avoidable for the faint hearted, who might question. " how the hell did this album make into the Best of 2007" !!

Ambience - Doesn't matter, you ll get to know !

Favourite Tracks - Personally, I didn't like this album.

Rating - 3.0/10

Friday, June 27, 2008

Burial - Untrue

Genre - Electronic, Trance, Grime

Synopsis - This new album from Burial, is something of a masterpiece collaborating trance music with electronic sounds in the background. Its got a magical touch and don t be surprised if you are reminded of unicorns and angels. There however, is a slight similarity to songs of Enigma.

Ambience - Cloudy or rather rainy evening, sitting in solitude, a dark room preferably lit only by the evening glow ! And I d recommend this particular setting to listen to this album, because it demands that sort of attention to intricate sound detailing. The darkness of the setting will add to this musical experience.

Best Songs - Etched headplate, Endorphin.

Rating - 7.0/10

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

World's Best Architect - Spidey !!

Solitude exposure in the sun @ the Amrita Biotech Campus !!

Click on the snap to enlarge

Sunday, June 01, 2008

When the world saw Blue, we taught them Black

This post is dedicated to all of those people, who have seen us play or enjoy music, and have felt its a Lifestyle by itself !

Thats us at NIT Ragam 2008, where we made through to the finals of the rock show and finished third on the podium !

Looking back at it, it was one helluva experience and feeling that can't be explained by my humble vocab !

It was a dream come true for all of us and it really proved that practice could get you to places !

My good friend Arun (a.k.a CP), who is also the band's drummer ( now ex, just like myself ) and I had always dreamt of forming a band when we first made friends at college.

Didn't quite see it happen until a bunch of young talent joined us couple of years later. Getting together and then agreeing on one genre was tough. It took us an yr to get noticed outside college. Our IIT Saarang performance was really a platform from where we picked up some energy and stage presence. One another thing worth mentioning about the IIT trip, was the fun we all had together as a band. We even shopped , ate, had loads of fun on the train journey, together. For 4 days it was just music all around and man, did it cure the senses ;-) !!

Then on, the jams and experience from IIT, gave us amazing confidence that we could really pull off this show at NIT. It was also known to be our last performance together, with me and CP soon leaving for our jobs and other priorities after college.

I won't go into the details of our show, but wouldn't miss out the fact that, as a band, esp on stage, you have this feeling that you hold the key to people s hearts !!

Will really miss the days we jammed, defying authorities @ college, crossing the limits of sanity and having fun the way we wanted and most of all make people around us, encore for more !!

It ll always be cherished as one of the most important things that livened up our college life !

Fellas, in this rat race of life, music is one thing that ll ensure your mental well being...rock on and never say die !!

