Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A pg from my head..

Well, here I am sitting in my room, in my black fleece winter jacket and pyjamas, wondering why I feel a little amiss just now.

I tell you this is one of those posts, after writing which I might delete it or might go on to post it and after while would start thinking..ha..what the heck ! ;) This post is not something related to any subject..its just like a page in my diary of life, quoted here for a reader's insight. Last few days I have been running about with my friend with resumes in hand handing it to shops around Melbourne CBD, in the hopes of getting a call back for a casual job during this semester break.

I've been utilizing the time after my semester to catch up with some pals, whom I seem to have stifled, because of my rather 'difficult' routine ;) during my semester days. And for those of you reading this and wondering, ha ! " No point just writing mate", its just been a couple of days..relax..I'll try to catch up with all :)

Everything has been feeling a trifle different after coming to Melbourne. I sometimes feel that I'm yet to discover myself in this city. I know its a mixed feeling of being out of your comfort zone, away from loved ones and then also a goal to put into action all those things dreams I've had when I was growing up, of doing something I like and then get settled and all that.

Its been a different and demanding experience until now. I've tried to camouflage myself into the crowd and I have been exploring independent living. Well, I say independent not because I'm staying alone, which I'm not, but independent because I give a first hand account of things happening far away from my homeland, to my friends and loved ones, and it all seems like I'm reporting this new experience. To some people, I'm the only person known to them in this part of the world and it is really nice when I relate to them, my life here. Its like saying, they see the picture here forming a mental image of things that I tell them, trying to figure out how it all might be.

This is very true when you relating the good stuff. Most often this is not the case, when its about the bad stuff. Most tend to unconsciously form opinions out of the media and often will have a bloated perception of the situation here. Night mares for that matter are known to be more significantly 'creative' :) tend to form all sorts of worst case scenarios in your mind and before you know you will be worrying because of anxiety. When my friends and folks enquire to me about the present 'student crisis' here, it is a very similar case.

Just one of the things that I felt like putting into words, outta the other million buzzing in my head.

More to follow soon..

Keep Well wherever you are

