Friday, June 17, 2011

Introducing an idea..

Stemming from my own funny (:P it is a personal opinion n I'm allowed to) self at times, the occasional adventures  of sharing these whacky thought trains with my pals (some sane n some insane enough to tolerate me ;) ); Stewie Gryffin's character, Scott Adams n the likes butting in pleasantly into my life, now and then, has given me sort of an impetus to record the alter-ego of the self that is witty yet dark, dark yet lighthearted, brooding yet lively..I can go on..but you got it, right ?!! 

Feedback is appreciated; while of course I may have to add a disclaimer here that says "All conversations might be recorded for the purpose of future referencing and that, though all characters depicted in the conversations might bear resemblance to any character, living or dead, it is purely coincidental and has to be taken in the spirit of the fun" ; there I said it; whew ! 

I have come to believe, after being mostly serious previously, that time spent is well spent only if you enjoy it; and so keeping that in mind (like how Scott Adams so effortlessly does in his work), let us all have that side in us, that once in a while laughs at ourselves only to remind us that life is supposed to be fun (I'm not an atheist :P, ha I knew you were thinking along those lines!) and not meant to be taken very serious all the time (I already said that didn't I; oh gosh!) !

Inner Peace ;)


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dengue Fever

I came across this very different band called the Dengue Fever sometime back today, while stumbling over the plethora of sites on the WWW. The music struck as me a very different one and the band has identified itself to be of a rather interesting genre - Psychedelic Rock n RollWell, don't be fooled by the psychedelic music realm because it is nothing like Pink Floyd as you might expect.The band combines music from Cambodia with Californian Rock n Roll to generate a beautiful fusion that is quite unique and unusual.

"Lead singer Chhom Nimol’s haunting voice", as I remember having read somewhere, is catchy to say the least. For the sake of knowing that such diverse music exist, at least, I'd definitely recommend looking up some of their music on youtube. 

Recommended TracksSleepwalking Through The Mekong, Made of Steam, Sni Bong, Sober Driver
Ambiance: Whenever you need a flying feelin' (or whenever you are flyin ;))

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

High Speed Rail

Today morning's Age newsletter on Travel/Living featured a news article on a proposed High Speed Train concept for Australia. As you'd expect with most of such concepts, it always looks fantastic on paper and this was my first thought even before starting to read the article - let's say part of having acclimatized to the local culture here :P.

Anyways, but the prospect of it did sound reassuring given the pathetic state of affairs of the current rail network. So I read on. The company that put forth the concept has used a gimmick already by quoting that the design is inspired by the Holden Monaro of the 60s; in the sense that it is a super fast vehicle! I feel that it is pretty a lame and poor tactic in an attempt to get the concept "a thumbs up" from hardcore Aussie petrol heads and the likes ! 

Which was even more surprising was to find similar thought trains running in other readers' heads. Many have ridiculed this concept, as one being too far fetched for the Australians to handle. 

Or maybe I'm being too much of a cynic like others who commented like me. Maybe there is just a social and environmental concern behind the whole plan. But whatever it is, it is quite known that Australia isn't really a country that can embrace such a huge leap in technology overnight. Things happen at a calculative and gradual pace. Certainly not a negative, but that's just the way things are around here. 

Anyways, I have crossed my fingers; who knows, and even pigs may fly !



Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Makes sense ??

One of many ads you'd see around the city ! Makes you wonder, 1) if it's just you or are the others too not getting it 2) or is it just plain stupid ?!!

Brendan and The Secret Of Kells


*Yawn*... a lazy evening here at Melbourne..rain lashing on the windows..had it been more chilly, it would have certainly added to the ambience..

I was tipped off recently of the OSTs of this new flick, Brenden and The Secret of Kells.. So here I'm listening to it sitting in my dark room..Dunno whether it is the hangover of the still fresh tracks from Porcupine Tree from the morning's playlist or just an uncanny resemblance of some of these tracks to it..less dark in nature though..

Highlights: Magical feel of ringing bells ; bagpipes, cello strumming, drumming, echoes, varying pitches n tempo..mythological..violin and flute solos..mesmerizing compositions and very gentle transitions between each instrumental piece.. soothing..



Computerized cooker ?

Any thoughts :) ??

Monday, June 06, 2011


Yet again, after a slimmer of hope (though a bit cynical), I learned, that I'm stuck..well, if you know my story, your guess almost automatically will be, "residency status??" ; well, it is so damned unfair to be judged on the basis of this stupid aspect over academic qualifications here in this country !
Well, it is debatable that the country looks out for it's people first and others second. But it is not by having 50 places for locals vs 1 for outsiders; when the number of outsiders to locals applying is almost 100:1.
Well, naturally, you'd be inclined to look at the economics of it rather that the 'social commitment', as they supposedly claim it to be. Well, there you have it - education in a first world country with the primary motive of making financial gains, and whatever follows, as an added extra !! And here I'm fighting the odds; is this a losing battle, I sometimes can't help myself thinking !

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Technology saves the day, again :P

After what seems to have been a writer's (blogger's) block, I've sort of been wanting to get back to blogging more actively. Well, as for the block, I figured it is best if I can find an application to blog from my phone (ahem, yes, you thought right, the generation is to be blamed for :P). Well, so in a rather desperate attempt to salvage my blog, I frantically searched for an app (between the intermittent reception of network coverage on my phone) while I was on a long train journey. After a while, I realized, as the first step of getting to use my blog through phone, it is better that I carry out this step when I'm less mobile with a better connectivity.
So on getting back home, later yesterday, I sat down to sort this once and for all. And, here I'm trying this out the first time through my phone. God save technology !!