Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spreading the News !!

Hi All,

All this time, I have been reading stuffs on things that have interested me over the past many years. Off late, I have become a big fan of One of the many websites which have really let my imagination take flight, I must say, with the way it works. You just specify your preferences and press the tab that reads "stumble" and BOOM, it takes you on a magical journey.

I'm in no way exaggerating the wonder of the site. My friends to whom I have mentioned this before, would have noticed the sparkle in my eyes when I've spoken about the same :D. Internet is something that came into existence round about when I was 15 yrs old. I also made my first email account when I was that age and I can tell you quite confidently that I have by far seen and been to almost "all types of websites" which most normal and abnormal people know about ; or at least I thought I had !!

Stumbleupon was actually stumbled upon by me or rather an old friend of mine send me an invite at a time when invites to the many, now quite popular, social networking sites were a thing of everyday's email list. Most of such mails went swiftly into my email trash folder, with me not even batting an eyelid while doing so, everyday !! But this one, some how made it into the other list of websites, which I actually, out of the curiosity of the name, clicked to find out whether they were any good ! At that point of time, I must admit that, I wasn't driven enough to the point of boredom, to give the website a closer look than just make an account and then forget about it until a month or so back.

About a month ago, I was so bored of my daily routine of checking gmail, facebook and orkut (in that order) ; that I started to think, isn't there something new that can make you feel that the internet is still kick-ass the way it used to be when it started off !!??

That is when I rediscovered stumbleupon ! Well, again I set my preferences or more or less edited and added new preferences to my old list and BOOM, I was off, in the hope that I would find something interesting !! Well, the last few weeks, though were pretty good, in terms of finding new unexplored websites, which only few loyal patrons knew of ; today I stumbled upon something totally cool and mind blowing.

Yes, if you have already checked out the link, without reading the boring details I wrote till now :P, you already know of the site !! It is called Academic Earth. The site has free video lectures from leading Universities around the world - Yale, Berkeley, MIT etc.. to name a few, on a variety of topics to tickle your quest for knowledge !! I myself, being a big fan of Psychology, went straight into the psychology section to find something interesting. Though cynical I was of such sites, as some of you might also be, that nothing in this world comes free ; I was actually very surprised to find a whole list of video lectures, power point presentations and course material presented in the order they were taught to students of psychology at Yale University, available to the common man for free !!!!

I felt a spasm of excitement to let my fellow mates know of this site as soon I finished taking my first introductory lecture of the course !!!

So here I'm blogging about the way I used stumbleupon to find something useful as this. Who knows, you may find something better. Please do share if you do, as knowledge grows only if you share it ;)




Rahul said...

What i like most in your blogs is, the structure or coherence (in your words) in which you share your views.

Motivates me ... :-)

In college, I did use to explore stumbleupon... it is really good. so is and furl, skyscrapercity

Deepthi said...

Nice stumbling !! ;-)