Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Pessimist's Version - 

No good has come out of posting on FB; but then why do we still post on FB ?? Is it because our online profiles are more rhetorical :P ?? 

Or is it just the sheer pleasure derived out of saying something totally bothering you; something you are psyched about; something to just know what others have to say about it, without having to ask them anything and making it unpleasant or awkward ?

Well, there can be a myriad number of reasons I suppose, just the different perspectives !! 

Well, it may well be that people wanna share their thoughts on a wider scale, reach out to more people at the same time without having to repeat it !! But knowingly or unknowingly aren't we feeding the introverted part of our conscience ?

Optimist's Version - 

Don't think too much !! Its just plaintive as this - to keep in touch, duh !? 

A way for the less extroverted, to start opening up, perhaps !!

Well, whatever it was, did the inceptor think this much through ? I bet he didn't ! Its the people and their minds that give birth to these numerous meanings of materialistic life. Sometimes you'll be surprised if you stop to think, 

"Almost everything is man-made"; we are all playing our parts as if it is all meant to be this way !! 

A lingering thought ~ comments ?



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