Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sports vs Cruise !!


scarab said...

good one, mate!

Darsh said...

hey good piece of work man!

arjun said...

cruiser bike's preety impressiv work...try 2 sketch those burly criuserb ones which has got 2silencers &low grnd level clearnaces..the mre the glares frm the steel frames the attarctiv the bike gets....i mean cruisers.. &as far racin bike goes ya do bit mre fig studies &try 1's mre...guess ya'r flair 2 racer bikez are less so got 2 improv on it lots mre..try gettn those extra fittin's &stuff sm mre...k..ithokke oru customer aspectil nina parangathu but 4a wheeler manic its a pretty gud work MAITTTTTTTT:-) !!!!!!!!!!!