Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Write Like Douglas Adams !

I write like
Douglas Adams
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

I confess, it took me not more than 4 attempts to finally get the site to declare that I write like Douglas joy comparable to that of a child who for the first time tasted the best ice-cream ever; although I can very well imagine why Douglas Adams might turn in his grave, if he read what I just said. 

While I 'stumbled', as always, on this site, I must say it over and over again, but still can't seem to emphasize enough, why StumbleUpon is probably the best thing that happenned on the internet, after Google of course (where else would I turn to feed my little brain and curious mind).

On my first 3 attempts, I was told I write like Dan Brown and H.P Lovecraft. And you might have guessed that I did not like my writing to be compared to either of theirs', although how much accomplished they might be. It's just that I never 'wrote' anything remotely close to blasphemy or 'necronomicon'; however weird and skeptical I might be otherwise in general. For that information wasn't fed into the "Analyze Text" box and they have no way of knowing it! 

I realized soon enough, I was thinking too much - oh and somebody told me people with Master's Degree certainly tend to do that; no fault of theirs though, and that the algorithm was merely trying to figure out "which famous writer you write like", not "which famous writer writes what you write" ! The other funny part is that I've never read books by any of these authors, even Douglas Adams, although "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" was added to my reading list quite a while ago. Now more than ever I need to get my hands on it. 

There was another little discovery that amused me - it's a write-up of mine, which I thought was funny, that disclosed my writing style similar to that of Douglas Adams. Although, my humorous reads have always been ones either by Scott Adams or P.G. Wodehouse, I couldn't imagine even this little laurel! I know I'm beaming at something very thin not to mention questionably credible, but to hell with it, a writer needs a push every now and then. A writer's block cannot be overstated !